Atlanta Interprofessional Student Hotspotting (AISH) fills the leadership gap in interprofessional education by supporting our community's most vulnerable patients and healthcare high-utilizers.
By 2025, we will demonstrate how AISH contributes to the Quadruple Aim: Better Health for high-utilizing patients, lower healthcare costs, increased collaboration among interprofessional providers, and a better healthcare experience for patients with all needs.
Actively listen.
Be open and curious.
Embrace diversity and individual differences.
Show mutual respect and trust.
Demonstrate humility.
Advocate for others.
Innovate and problem solve.
Prioritize skill building.
Atlanta Interprofessional Student Hotspotting (AISH) is a multi-institutional, interdisciplinary service learning program that provides graduate students across various medical and health professions the opportunity to engage directly with high-need, high-cost (HNHC) medical patients. Nationwide, HNHC patients make up only 5% of the patient population, but account for 50% of healthcare costs. In Atlanta, Student Hotspotters aid in addressing socioeconomic and environmental determinants of health for HNHC patients within Grady Health System (Grady), the city’s largest safety-net healthcare system. Our goal is to advance interprofessional education among health professionals while simultaneously improving patient care and outcomes for both patients and Grady.
AISH combines students from more than eight academic disciplines from five Atlanta-area institutions, providing unparalleled opportunities to train the next generation of interprofessional leaders.